Anastasia lozovskaya

Here you will find all the necessary information to start your journey in the world of digital assets from scratch.

обучение крипте с нуля

Entrepreneur with 20 years of experience
About me
In 2020, I got acquainted with the crypto industry. Honestly, for me, it was an infinite world, but at the same time very captivating and interesting, associated with virtuality that knows no bounds.

Today, the crypto industry has turned my life upside down. I can't say it was easy! The most important thing in this direction is a good teacher and mentor who will help you understand this direction and lay the foundation where you can further develop independently without limiting yourself in time and truly be free from the common standards of life.
A team of over

Anastasia Lozovskaya

MLM entrepreneur with a team of over 1000 people. Investor
Crypto enthusiast since 2020
Since 2016, I've been an active partner in network marketing
Leadership status in the Cross Finance project - Ambassador
4 years
in the crypto industry
i teach crypto
2 years
Crypto Startup Academy from Scratch: Theory + Practice
The course is suitable for:

  • Homemakers
  • Students
  • Salaried workers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Investors
Getting started with exchanges
  • Registration on the Binance Exchange
  • Verification Process.
  • Payment methods with different cards.
  • Creating a spot wallet on the exchange.
  • Referral link for your friends.
Blockchain technology, in simple terms
  • What is Blockchain?
  • How and when did Blockchain appear?
  • Difference between blockchain and banking organizations?
  • Difference between a transaction and a hash-transaction.
  • Types of blockchains.
  • What is a smart contract?
Cryptocurrency Wallets: Their Types, Varieties, and Classes
  • What is a cryptocurrency wallet?
  • Types of cryptocurrency wallets.
  • Classes of cryptocurrency wallets.
  • Types of cryptocurrency wallets.
  • Crypto Glossary.
Types of earning with cryptocurrency
  • Staking (Types of staking and risks)
  • What is holding
  • What is mining
  • What is trading
  • What is pharming
CoinGecko & CoinMarketCup Services
  • Information about cryptocurrencies:
  • Reports / Articles / News / Coin Market Capitalization
Cross Finance Practice
  • Registration in the project
  • Creating a non-custodial crypto wallet
  • Staking
  • Cross Finance Crypto Card
  • Validators in blockchain
The course syllabus
Practice of Quinta Essention
  • Registration in the project
  • Verification
  • NFTs
  • Metamask Wallet
  • Staking
  • Partnership Program
What is cryptocurrency
  • The Evolution of Money and Its Propertie.
  • What is Fiat Money?
  • What is Cryptocurrency?
  • Types of Cryptocurrency.
  • Inflation and Deflation.
  • Useful Resources.
After the course, you will be able to effectively grow your capital
Expand your network through partnership programs
Analyze the market
You will be able to purchase, sell, and exchange digital assets using exchanges
Travel, develop, and scale globally
What will you be able to do after the course?
Access to the course
  • Recorded lessons
  • Learn at your convenience
  • Theory + Practice
  • Live Zoom sessions
From scratch


8 lessons
Practical skills in real projects
After completing the course, access to the DeFi course is unlocked. Career advancement.
Knowledge that will shorten your path in the crypto industry
All course participants receive a bonus - online and offline meetings + profit cases
Invest with me
I participate in long-term projects, which I will describe below on this site. I can provide consultation and more detailed information on each project.

Below is a link to my Telegram channel where I talk about short-term projects, and there is also a lot of useful and relevant information.
Below is a link to my Telegram channel where I talk about short-term projects, and there
is also a lot of useful
and relevant information.
I participate in long-term projects, which I will describe below on this site. I can provide consultation and more detailed information on each project.
To apply for the card, leave a request and we will contact you
Order your CrossFi Visa crypto card
Travel the world, make various purchases without limitations in space
If you don't know how to buy cryptocurrency, we will teach you quickly and easily! And most importantly, at any time convenient for you! You just need to complete two lessons from the Crypto Startup course from scratch "Theory + Practice
Travel the world, make various purchases without limitations in space
We invest together
After training and for cryptocurrency experts interested in investing, you can consider high-quality long-term projects in which I participate
This is an advanced ecosystem that develops complex and modern payment solutions. We use our own patented CrossFi technology, which combines the security and transparency of blockchain technology with the stability of traditional finance.
Quinta Essentia is the world's only NFT collection that allows token holders to participate in the pre-sale of humic acids produced using the unique ProtoHumiX®️ technology.
Quinta Essentia
Humic acids are biologically active substances that are part of humic acids, consisting of carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl groups combined with aromatic structures.
This product can be ordered, and you can also invest in it through an NFT collection.
Humic acids PROTOHUMIX
xAPP CrossFi — это комплексный инструмент для управления вашими цифровыми активами внутри и за пределами сети CrossFi. Используйте функции xAPP, чтобы максимизировать свое участие
и вознаграждение в экосистеме CrossFi
максимизируйте свои цифровые активы
Invest in the smart mirror project with technology that allows you to view the back of your body.

The Dilan Mirror project is the production and sale of mirrors that allow you to comfortably view the back of your body. This option can be easily turned on or off at any time. And if for millennia the mirror has been devoid of this possibility, today we are changing traditional standards.
Look at yourself in the mirror
Quinta Essentia is the world's only NFT collection that allows token holders to participate in the pre-sale of humic acids produced using the unique ProtoHumiX®️ technology.
What can you do?
-Create a CrossFi crypto wallet and start building your crypto empire!
-Farm MPX coins in our simple game and get ready to rake in the rewards!
-Build a network of friends and like-minded people who share your passion for crypto!
Your Key to Farming MPX Coins During CrossFi Testnet
-We are experts in decentralized finance (DeFi), having previously worked on projects such as MakerDAO, Chainlink, Sushi, Spookyswap, and Abracadabra
-We are here to change this space - our innovative tokenomics and future plans will attract new liquidity and users
-The team ensures rapid product launch and user acquisition with a simple and intuitive interface
XSWAP VN with CrossFi
- Great connections in the industry will help the SWA token develop on major exchanges such as Binance and Huobi.
Events in Dubai
The official opening of the Cross Finance office in Dubai
Communication with Vladimir Rodinka at the TOKEN2049 conference
Communication with Mr. Kandy at the Token2049 conference in Singapore
The Cross Finance team at Token2049
Director of the Banking Sector, Fedor Bogorodsky, spoke at Token 2049
in Singapore
The main events of 2023
On November 24, the official opening of the Cross Finance office in Dubai took place.
On December 2, the official opening of the Cross Finance office in Hanoi, Vietnam, took place.
On October 30, the opening of the first CrossFi office in Vietnam took place.
On March 30, the CrossFi network was launched. This is the first product of the CrossFi ecosystem.
The main events of 2024
10 Key Business Ideas and Trends from the NFT Paris 2024 Conference
CrossFi successfully launches the EVM testnet on Coinlist
Unveiling the possibilities of Web3 Banking: a conversation with Fedor Bogorodsky, the financial director of Cross Finance
CrossFi Analysis: DeFi Trends of 2024
Sign up for a personal consultation
Do you want to get answers to your questions about education or cryptocurrency? I invite you to a personal consultation on Zoom! Let's discuss your questions, the topic of education, or the topic of cryptocurrency. To schedule a consultation, please contact me via WhatsApp or Telegram!
I invite you to a personal consultation on Zoom! Let's discuss your questions, the topic of education, or the topic of cryptocurrency. To schedule a consultation, please contact me
via WhatsApp or Telegram!
Do you want to get answers to your questions about education or cryptocurrency?
Business. Blockchain. Crypto.
United Arab Emirates
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